A helping hand for your ideas
A skill sample:
Our tool kit:
Human-robot interaction, sensitive robotics for complex assembly tasks
We transfer our knowledge on technology and digitalization in workshops or training sessions
Machine concepts and body construction
Flexible technologies for handling, fixtures and joining
Project pitches
We offer the facilities and our expertise for your project ideas on smart production
Smart Data
Linked factory, AI, AR, IIoT, self-regulating systems, intelligent process chains
Our E³ research factory is the appropriate testbed for testing components for I4.0 solutions
Micro and precision manufacturing
Cutting technologies, removal processes, micro-forming, metrology and tribometry for microstructures
Best practice
In small groups you will learn from and with our partners how to use ICT technologies efficiently in production
A helping hand for your ideas
A skill sample:
Human-robot interaction, sensitive robotics for complex assembly tasks
Machine concepts and body construction
Flexible technologies for handling, fixtures and joining
Smart Data
Linked factory, AI, AR, IIoT, self-regulating systems, intelligent process chains
Micro and precision manufacturing
Cutting technologies, removal processes, micro-forming, metrology and tribometry for microstructures
Our tool kit:
We transfer our knowledge on technology and digitalization in workshops or training sessions
Project pitches
We offer the facilities and our expertise for your project ideas on smart production
Our E³ research factory is the appropriate testbed for testing components for I4.0 solutions
Best practice
In small groups you will learn from and with our partners how to use ICT technologies efficiently in production